Tuesday 4 November 2014

In this life

In life as a person, you should feel free to express your thoughts, to share your ideas and experiences,
You should not be afraid of being judged or look down upon on,
For there are people who are always have a ruler to straighten your path by pointing out were you went wrong yet unable to do that in their lives, always have a  red pen ready to mark your errors Never-mind them, they just can't mind their own businesses, let them laugh at you, while you laugh with them
Make your voice heard, let your opinion count, acknowledge your worth,
Let people hate you for who you are than love you for who you pretend to be, don't be labelled for what you have but for who God created you to be,
Earn your worth, don't go all the way to impress people who honour you for your haves and havenots, Do not let materialistic goodies determine your value, your more precious than such
Let people say things about you good or bad as long as they are not judging the person behind the musk but the one and only YOU,
Rather be painted with the colour that defines you than be misunderstood and misjudged,
 Do not wish you were any different or were someone else, for you will never know other people's struggles until they are yours, do not judge a book by its cover, You are better than that,
You are special, you are you, be proud of the person God created in you,
You are not a mistake, You are not the same as the person you associate yourself with,
You may not like the things you have, the position you in, the place you stay in,  but be grateful for who you are because being unique is the greatest thing, you are priceless... You are more worthy than Gold, Silver, Platinum or Diamond
You owe it to yourself to treasure every moment
You owe it to yourself to cherish every second you live
For there is no other life on earth than the life you have
In this life you live
In this life you breath
In this life you belong
In this life you shall love
In this life you shall be
In this life you were born
In this life you were raised
Till death strikes you shall live

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