Monday 10 November 2014

Life Acceptance

Accept things that you cannot change and change those you can, complaining about life that you have and wishing for things that you don't have shows lack of Gratitude
Let's make changes where possible and be thankful for things that God provided us without even asking for them because you may want something that doesn't suit you, something that will never be yours and something that bothers the one who have it.
Be the change you want,
All in all Life is about accepting things the way they are if you do not find a way to change them, as we all know that other things are meant to be the way they are, good or bad, bitter or sweet, let's stop sobbing and wondering how it could have been,  what if, if only and all those regression statement, live the life you want and be who you are.
“Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.” ~Unknown
I was in a motorbike accident in 1987.
The physician in the emergency room delivered the bad news and told me the right knee cap had cracked. That day changed my life forever.
How could I accept that I wouldn't ever be able to run again?
The physical injury took years to heal, and a lot of time passed before I slowly started to accept my new situation. In the meantime, I got depressed.

Life Can Be Beautiful

That might seem like an ironic heading coming after the preceding line, but hear me out. Life is beautiful every time you’re able to accept something that has gone wrong. When you can feel good on the whole even though things aren't going your way, you know emotional freedom. What more could you ask for?
The opposite would be the guy who shouts in despair, “Not again, for God’s sake!” when his sports car breaks down in the middle of nowhere or needs thousands of rand of work on that car. Neither is a fun situation to be in. But what about people that don’t even have food to eat?
It’s all about perspective, isn't it? Are you looking at life through Ray Bans or from a refugee camp? We must learn to see and appreciate what we have and shift our attention from what we have lost.
So, let me point out three steps that can make your life truly beautiful. While it’s true that people who have experienced trauma are often more likely to see things differently, you don’t need to go through some life-shattering experience to become more accepting and peaceful. You can start out from where you’re at now.
1. Find solutions instead of complaining:
It is completely meaningless to complain about things. Negative people drain everyone around them, and complaining won’t change your situation for the better either. You may think it makes you feel better, but it actually just keeps you down and it’s fruitless.
Don’t waste your energy complaining. Use it more wisely.
You could complain for a lifetime about the leaking roof on your house, but as long as you don’t do anything about it, you’re stuck in the situation.
Instead, ask yourself, “What can I do to solve the problem?” And if you can’t solve it, where can you focus your energy more productively? What things can you control?
2. Practice letting go:
How can you accept a devastating loss or change, for example, that you won’t ever be able to run again?
From my way of looking at it, you have two choices.
One is to hold on to the way things were. Personally, I loved jogging, which made it harder to accept the physical impairment. But if you can’t accept life the way it is, you have a big problem, because we cannot change what already has happened. Resisting the flow of life will only make you unhappy.
The other choice is to bite the bullet and accept life the way it is. That takes courage but the process will empower you enormously. The ability to let go of things in everyday life makes for happiness and ease. You can even laugh when you miss a bus that’s departed five minutes early.
Start out by accepting small things, such as stepping on a chewing gum or losing some change. You’ll be surprised; bit by bit, you’ll be able to let go of most mishaps that come your way.
3. Let beauty in:
When you’re focused on everything that’s lacking, it’s hard to fully notice, appreciate, and enjoy what’s there.
Look around you; there’s beauty all around. What an amazing planet! Beaches and mountains, colorful fish in the ocean, birds flying across the sky, music and culture, blueberry ice cream, kissing in the sunset, and lifelong friendships. There is so much to live for; this could potentially be paradise.
Learn to see and appreciate what you have as opposed to giving too much attention to what you have lost.
Open up to what is truly beautiful and important in life. For example, look at a flower and enjoy its fragile beauty; take your mom on a surprise picnic or give yourself a day to relax.
Most of us keep the blinds shut, closing off to life. Some of us even repeat the mantra, “Been there, done that.” The truth is, every  experience is new, and it’s up to you how complete or lacking it seems.
Take on the curiosity of a child. Open up and explore life as if it were your first day here, regardless of what you have had or lost.

Source: Gjertsen, A. (2010). 3 Steps To Practice Acceptance & Have a Peaceful Life. [online] Tiny Buddha. Available at: [Accessed 10 Nov. 2014].

Ways To Live Longer

Staying Physically Healthy

Avoid chemicals: Chemicals cause cancer, here are the most common things one can do to live longer, based on the research
Quit smoking:  Any form of smoke is bad for you, no matter how little you take. It increases your chances of lung cancer. If you are smoking, giving it up today can help you live 10 years longer.
Take quick walks: Fast walkers have lower mortality rates than slow walkers .
Change your patterns of consumption. Here are some ways to change your patterns of consumptions to help you live longer:
Drink plenty of water: The universal solvent is a most effective weapon against toxins and many other violators. It flushes out your system like nothing else does. Or you if water you lose isn't replaced, you can become dehydrated. Thirst, headache, fatigue and weakness are all signs that your body may be running short of water. Extreme dehydration can cause muscle spasms and kidney failure and death. You lose nearly 10 cups of water every day through breathing, sweating, urine and stool.
Avoid simple carbohydrates: Carbohydrates cause your insulin levels to rise, which has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer in menopausal women.
Avoid overdoing: Too much of anything can make you sick, even the good can cause harm, whether it be food, drink, drugs, or even medicine. Non-prescription and illegal drugs may contain chemicals and/or other drugs that are unfit for human consumption, but keep in mind that alcohol and tobacco are among the worst drugs. Do not forget that caffeine is also a drug. Any drug, from alcohol to aspirin, carries with it a risk of shortening and ending your life. If you do decide to use any drugs, be responsible by doing your research before consumption, make sure you understand their properties and side effects, and use them appropriately.
Consider a calorie-restriction or intermittent fasting diet:  Studies suggest that periodic fasting promotes better heart health . Pick a day when you can afford to skip two meals, and make it a ritual you do every month or two.
Balance your Omega-3: There is mounting evidence that a diet high in omega-6 fatty acids (fats) increases your chance of cardiovascular disease and cancer. To improve your ratio, reduce your intake of omega-6 fats (particularly bad are corn and canola oil, as well as many nut oils), while increasing your intake of omega-3 fats from foods including fatty fish, especially salmon.
Consider squatting to defecate. It may greatly reduce your chance of getting colorectal cancer (which is potentially fatal) or hemorrhoids (which are mostly just unpleasant).
Consume antioxidants. They decrease the chance of developing cancer. Consider these easy ways to do it:
Drink lots of tea: There are two main types of tea - green and black. Both are from the same tree, however green tea is less processed than black tea. Green tea has many health benefits, including reportedly reducing the chance of heart attack and cancer. Other benefits include increased energy and metabolic rate (good for weight loss), and high antioxidant content (slows down aging). Black tea has these benefits also, but at a reduced level. Try and drink 5 cups of green tea a day. Using more tea bags or leaves is a better way to make strong tea than brewing longer. Note that green tea typically contains caffeine, which may have a negative effect on your health and lifespan.
Eat dark chocolate: One piece of dark chocolate a day can benefit the heart as cocoa solids have a beneficial effect of the heart and arteries. Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than other kinds of chocolate. Look for 60% unprocessed cocoa or more. Chocolate also makes you happy (in case you did not know) because it releases endorphins.
Drink one glass of red wine a day:  Studies suggest that Red wine contains substances called polyphenols, which maintain the elasticity of the artery walls and also act as antioxidants  thus helping maintain a healthy heart and slowing down aging. Make sure you get your 5 a Day! Fruits and vegetables are extremely good for you, and should make up a large part of your diet. Try to ingest 5 servings per day.
Avoid dangerous situations. Steer clear of these potential pitfalls:
Think first: This step includes looking both ways before you cross the street, as children are taught but many adults take it for granted, and wearing protective gear when necessary. Whether you are riding a bike or skateboard, working on a construction site, or handling potentially harmful substances, be careful. While the human skull is quite thick and sturdy, severe head trauma can result from the brain being jostled around inside the skull from an impact, potentially resulting in permanent brain damage or even death.
Be safe:  Avoid potentially dangerous activities that frequently or occasionally end in death or dismemberment, such as bullfighting, or relationships with dangerous people.
Wear a seat belt: Always put on a seat belt when you are in a car, whether you are the driver or a passenger.
Attend yearly physicals: Early identification of potential health problems could save your life.
Exercise regularly: While most people lead quite busy lives, the benefits of exercise usually present themselves in all areas of your life. Gradually introducing exercise will lead to longer patterns of fitness rather than adopting a harsh workout regime each New Year's.
A simple way to start is walking: Studies have shown that walking 2 miles (3.2 km) every day cuts the risk of death almost in half! Thirty minutes a day also works because it reduces as much risk of a heart attack as a highly intense exercise.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can, Try Pilates, Zumba, running, soccer, volleyball, hiking, hip hip dancing, or tennis.
Develop a sleep schedule:  It is not as important to get a certain number of hours of sleep, so much as it is to get the same amount of sleep, at the same time, day in and day out.
Sleep gives your body a chance to heal and regenerate; having a stable sleeping routine will help your body take care of itself more easily.
If you do not carry out successful sleep cycles over an extended period of time (48+ hours) you can seriously affect your physical and mental health.
The ideal amount of sleep is somewhere between 7-8 hours:  Studies show that sleeping less than six or more than eight hours can actually shorten your lifespan.
Know that oversleeping does not lead you to feel "more" rested but can actually have detrimental effects on your health.
Floss every day:  Certain bacteria live in your teeth and can cause arteries to swell. Swollen arteries can lead to heart disease.

Cao, G., Sofic, E. and Prior, R. (1996). Antioxidant Capacity of Tea and Common Vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44(11), pp.3426-3431.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Public Relations Practitioner: My Future Life

Public Relations Practitioner (PRP) lives for its clients,
 All you have to do as your job is to help your clients tell their story clearly and credibly to the audiences important to them. As known that Public relations (PR) is about managing reputation.
A career in PR involves gaining understanding and support for clients, as well as trying to influence opinion and behaviour.
As a PR Practitioner you use all forms of media and communication to build, maintain and manage the reputation of their clients. These range from public entities or services, to businesses and voluntary organisations.
You communicate key messages, often using third party endorsements, to defined target audiences in order to establish and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organisation and its public.
You monitor publicity and conduct research to find out the concerns and expectations of an organisation's stakeholders. You then report and explain the findings to its management.
Typical work duties are as follows:
As PRP you often work in-house and can be found in both the private and public sectors, from the utility and media sectors to voluntary and not-for-profit organisations or may be based in consultancies.
The role is very broad and will depend on the organisation and sector. Tasks often involve:
Planning, developing and implementing PR strategies;
Liaising with colleagues and key spokespeople;
Liaising with and answering enquiries from media, individuals and other organisations, often via telephone and email;
Researching, writing and distributing press releases to targeted media;
collating and analysing media coverage;
Writing and editing in-house magazines, case studies, speeches, articles and annual reports;
Preparing and supervising the production of publicity brochures, handouts, direct mail leaflets, promotional videos, photographs, films and multimedia programmes;
devising and coordinating photo opportunities;
Organising events including press conferences, exhibitions, open days and press tours;
Maintaining and updating information on the organisation's website;
Managing and updating information and engaging with users on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook;
Sourcing and managing speaking and sponsorship opportunities;
Commissioning market research;
Developing community relations through events such as open days and through involvement in community initiatives;managing the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation.



TweetDeck is a social media dashboard application for management of Twitter accounts. 
Like other Twitter applications it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets and view profiles.
You can add another Twitter account easily in the settings window. 
Tweeting from any of your accounts is really easy and doesn’t require any switching, you can even cross post tweets. 
Managing all of your Twitter accounts couldn’t be easier, simply create columns for your various accounts so you can keep track of everything, all at once in TweetDeck.


Hootsuite is one of many tools referred to as a “Social Media Management System” or tool. It helps you keep track and manage your many social network channels.
 It can enable you to monitor what people are saying about your brand and help you respond instantly.
You can view streams from multiple networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and post updates or reply directly. With so many networks for businesses to manage, it’s no doubt Social Media Management tools have become so popular and relied upon by many companies today.
If you manage the updates for your business’ social networks, it’s highly likely that you will have heard of Hootsuite. In a survey from monitoring tool Pingdom, Hootsuite came up as the top Social Media Management System, with over 20% of companies using it to manage their social media empires.  It was launched back in 2008 by Invoke Media and since then has accrued an impressive array of features.
7 reasons why you may want to consider using Hootsuite to manage your social network channels

1.  Monitor Multiple Streams in One Place
2. You Have a Team Managing Your Social Media Empire
3.  Managing Customer Service on Twitter
4. You Want to Cross Post to Your Google+ Page
5. Completely Cross Platform
6.  Get Free Reports by Email
7. You Want to Connect Lots of Services Together

Gray, I. (2013). 7 Reasons Why You SHOULD Use Hootsuite. [online] Seriously Social with Ian Anderson Gray. Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2014].

Learn to forgive

Forgiveness is about creating peace within your heart,
Being in harmony with your family, friends and community members at large
Forgiveness is not only about the people you forgive but most importantly about yourself
Sometimes we make a mistake of holding grudges for people while they are unaware and the feeling haunts the keeper, the Lord's Prayer promotes forgiveness, as it goes May you forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, learn to forgive though you shall never forget as  it is known that it is impossible to erase life events as we live by them to remember who we are, where we come from and what to celebrate and what to mourn about
Anger, hate and curse shall be cast out where forgiveness exists, and love, peace happiness shall groom The word I forgive you is one of the hardest a person would alter, forgiving is also not about just the spoken words it is about saying the words meaningfully from deep within your heart,
Remember the scripture according to, Saint Luke 6:37 
Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. (NIV)

Tuesday 4 November 2014

In this life

In life as a person, you should feel free to express your thoughts, to share your ideas and experiences,
You should not be afraid of being judged or look down upon on,
For there are people who are always have a ruler to straighten your path by pointing out were you went wrong yet unable to do that in their lives, always have a  red pen ready to mark your errors Never-mind them, they just can't mind their own businesses, let them laugh at you, while you laugh with them
Make your voice heard, let your opinion count, acknowledge your worth,
Let people hate you for who you are than love you for who you pretend to be, don't be labelled for what you have but for who God created you to be,
Earn your worth, don't go all the way to impress people who honour you for your haves and havenots, Do not let materialistic goodies determine your value, your more precious than such
Let people say things about you good or bad as long as they are not judging the person behind the musk but the one and only YOU,
Rather be painted with the colour that defines you than be misunderstood and misjudged,
 Do not wish you were any different or were someone else, for you will never know other people's struggles until they are yours, do not judge a book by its cover, You are better than that,
You are special, you are you, be proud of the person God created in you,
You are not a mistake, You are not the same as the person you associate yourself with,
You may not like the things you have, the position you in, the place you stay in,  but be grateful for who you are because being unique is the greatest thing, you are priceless... You are more worthy than Gold, Silver, Platinum or Diamond
You owe it to yourself to treasure every moment
You owe it to yourself to cherish every second you live
For there is no other life on earth than the life you have
In this life you live
In this life you breath
In this life you belong
In this life you shall love
In this life you shall be
In this life you were born
In this life you were raised
Till death strikes you shall live